'Civil War' review: A haunting portrait of a crumbling United States

style2024-06-03 17:46:049759

The United States is crumbling in Alex Garland’s sharp new film “ Civil War, ” a bellowing and haunting big screen experience. The country has been at war with itself for years by the time we’re invited in, through the gaze of a few journalists documenting the chaos on the front lines and chasing an impossible interview with the president.

Garland, the writer-director of films like “Annihilation” and “Ex Machina,” as well as the series “Devs,” always seems to have an eye on the ugliest sides of humanity and our capacity for self-destruction. His themes are profound and his exploration of them sincere in films that are imbued with strange and haunting images that rattle around in your subconscious for far too long. Whatever you think of “ Men,” his most divisive film to date, it’s unlikely anyone will forget Rory Kinnear giving birth to himself.

Address of this article:http://nicaragua.cezaryphotography.com/content-66c699877.html


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